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we do it differently
gekko design

trade mark powered by opm s.r.l. | a limited company incorporated in Milano | office in London | office in Munich

Volker Wegener - AGD-Mitgieds-Nr. 11542
Membro dell'Alleanza dei designer tedeschi (AGD) e.V.
Mitglied der Allianz deutscher Designer (AGD) e.V.
Member of the Alliance of German Designers (AGD) e.V.

HQ Milano: Andrea Scotti - Dott. Mag. | CEO | andrea@gekko-design.com
HQ Milano: Giovanni Serra - Consulenza fiscale | CFO | giovanni@gekko-design.com
office Munich: Volker Wegener - Dipl.-Des.(FH) | art director | volker@gekko-design.com
office London: Dr.Jeff Barkers - architect + marketing director | jeff@gekko-design.com







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